To begin with, I would like to know your goals, your training history, and how much time you would like to dedicate to training.
This form will help me understand a few details about you, but I would also like to have a “kick-off” online chat to get to know each other better. You’ll have a chance to see whether this coach-athlete duo is a good match. 🙂
During the First 1-2 months (familiarization period) you will be introduced to possibly new training stimuli and volume/modality and should carefully access whether the amount of exercise is sustainable long-term. Smaller training volume that can be maintained or slowly increased for months and years often produces more result in the long term. As always the key to success is to work with consistency, discipline and passion. I will do my best to provide the right amount of data, motivation, feedback and guiding in order to help you in your journey.
Testing: During the familiarization period, I will ask you to do some tests. The tests, combined with your training and racing history, will help me understand your strengths and weaknesses.
Starting from the first week, you will receive a training plan for the next 7 days. Each plan will of course have a degree of flexibility (duration of certain sessions, intensity range, or even modality of exercise), but some sessions and sequences of sessions will be prescribed more rigidly.
All your sessions recorded with a smartwatch and heart rate belt will be of course synchronized online and I will need to be able to access all your training metrics and review the work you have done.
You will rate each session using the RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) scale and leave a comment with any relevant information about the session.
I will review your sessions daily (not necessarily commenting) and make changes to the plan if necessary. At the end of each week, I will ask you to write a short report about your week. This will help me understand your general perception of the training load and your level of fatigue as well as the mental aspect of the training and the importance to fit your training into your daily schedule and avoid setbacks and stress.
Before each of the priority races, you will receive a suggested race plan, as well as gear and nutrition strategy recommendations. A monthly video call can be scheduled for race week to discuss everything concerning the upcoming event.