The Endurance Sports Nutrition Coach certification that I received in 2024 gave me the tools that I needed to understand better and address the unique needs of endurance athletes.
Being myself an endurance runner I have struggled a lot during my first years of running just to find proper information online. Reading books did not make things easier. The area of nutrition in general and concerning endurance sports performance is saturated with false and biased information.
I am vegetarian since 1988 and vegan since 2015 and i always loved cooking, experimenting with food, the ingredients, challenge myself into finding the “right” taste, texture or design of the food that I was working on. In 2013 this evolved into a constant research in order to find the proper nutrition that would sustain my training volume and the energy expenditure that was required by the sport that started to be a part of my life – that saved my life!
This is why I felt the need to jump into the science of the nutritional aspect of the sport. Not only because I felt curious of the new data, but the fact was that I needed relevant information to better my future performance. I needed to perform better and fuel my body accordingly.

This is when, in 2023 I found out that UESCA created a fantastic product:
Endurance Sports Nutrition Certification – the only nutrition certification on the market focused specifically on endurance athletes.
Today I understand the nutritional strategies before, during, and after competitions, the importance of supplements, how different factors influence the human performance and the symptoms of difficulties when/if they should occur.
I am a coach, which means that I do not sell miracles, I cannot prescribe a specific diet, calorie count, macronutrient amounts or ratios, meal plans, dietary protocols, supplements.
I cannot diagnose or treat anything. Actually, only a medical doctor can diagnose.
I have the education that I can use to educate my athletes.
Should your athlete be in need of dietary protocols or nutritional treatment, I will refer them to a performance dietician, a sport dietician, registered dietician, or other qualified nutrition professional. Only nutrition professionals who have gone through the appropriate channels of education and/or licensing should be prescribing and treating nutritional conditions.